Embrace the gentle path!

My Mission in Life!

When you ask people what their mission in life is, very few can answer, but I’ve given it a lot of thought. What is it that has made my whole life revolve around horses—trying to understand them, breeding, trading, riding, and so on? You spend enormous amounts of time on horses. Almost five years ago, something happened in my life that made me reflect deeply on why we live and what we want to achieve. I’ve never been very technical and wasn’t interested in computers or phones, except for making calls, but suddenly, I got the idea that I wanted to pass on all my knowledge to those who wanted it. I’ve experienced so much with horses that I could write many books (I’ve tried, but it didn’t quite work out), so I came up with the idea of delivering my knowledge online. It was a big change for me, with so much to learn about platforms, Zoom, websites, Facebook, and much more. I was terrified the first few times I went live on Facebook, but my mission pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me push myself to the limit. Few people know how much work goes into creating a digital course and a website. The ads say you can build a website in a day with AI, but that’s not true, as everyone who has a website knows.

Starting with marketing, I soon realized it was not like selling a horse. In that world, people contacted you, and you could negotiate. Online, you have to put yourself out there and present what you have in a proper and accurate way.

I started creating podcasts, initially interviewing my friends, who also have a passionate relationship with horses. By sharing their stories and insights, I quickly noticed the power of podcasts in spreading knowledge and inspiration. It became a way to connect with people on a deeper level, creating a sense of community and understanding for the world of horses, which can be difficult to convey through text or video alone.

Over time, the podcasts have grown to be more than just a forum for conversation; they’ve become a tool for education and engagement. I’ve interviewed many knowledgeable and experienced people in the equestrian world, all of whom contribute their perspectives and experiences. This has become a platform where we can work together to improve horse welfare—something that is very close to my heart.

My membership sites, Horse and Health in Swedish and Happy Horse Hub in English, are the next step on this journey. Here, I’ve gathered all my knowledge and experience to provide members with access to in-depth courses, tools, and resources that can help them create a stronger and more harmonious relationship with their horses. I believe that by educating and supporting horse owners, we can collectively contribute to better horse welfare.

It’s not just a place for learning but also a community where you can share your successes and challenges, receive support, and get inspiration from others with the same goals. This is my way of giving back to the horses—to ensure they are treated with the respect and care they deserve.

When I look back on my journey, from being terrified of going live on Facebook to now running a growing digital platform and podcast, I realize that my mission has been the driving force behind it all. It’s not just about sharing my knowledge, but about making a real difference in the lives of horses around the world. That’s why I continue to learn, grow, and strive to reach more people, for the sake of the horses.

So, if you are as passionate as I am about improving horse welfare and creating strong, healthy relationships with your horses, I invite you to become part of this community. Through my podcasts and membership sites, I hope to inspire and guide you on your own journey with horses, and together, we can make the world a little better for these amazing animals.

Author: Anne Axell

I have helped many equestrians with their mindset and relationship with their horse, so they now are confident and enjoy the equestrian sport. Thanks to my extensive experience with horses, I can lead you to success in your riding. I have been actively riding the different riding styles,(dressage, hunter/jumper and trail) owened a lot of horses and have an equestrian business. l have also been breeding and selling horses for many years. I am a coach and trainer and have also completed courses as a judge. In addition, I have been a saddlemaker for many years and can advise you in terms of equipment and how it affects your horse. I can help you in 3 langauge, Danish, Swedish and English.