The young horse.

How does my young horse gain confidence in me?
After all, your relationship with your horse is based on trust. It takes a long time, and it is very easy to spoil.

Confidence comes from being willing to learn to read your horse, being willing to wait for the horse and let its personality grow.

You also have to be consistent.

This does not mean that you should be harsh, but you should use the same signals every time, so the horse knows what you mean.

If the horse has learned right from the beginning, you will benefit from it all its life.

Check a lot on the herd how they learn from each other and respect the leaders. You never get perfect when it comes to horses and that is the great charm 🙂



Today I want to talk about tick diseases.

People are starting to pay more attention to this, but a few years ago it was virtually unknown.

I have to say that in fact it is still underestimated what it can do to a horse.

The symptoms are diffuse, it can become lame, lethargic, have colic-like behavior and much more. Therefore, I always suggest people who have a horse that is sick in one way or another, to take a blood sample. It is done quickly and it does not cost much to get done. If it is not a tick disease, then you can see much else on blood tests.

I have had a couple of horses that have had ehrlichia and if you have discovered it in time, it is fairly easy to cure. I will tell you about it in a live tomorrow in the group. You are welcome to join:
Have you experienced any horse that has had ehrlichia or anaplasma as it is called as well?

Does your horse come when you call?

Is there anything worse than when you have to ride and pick up the horse in the paddock and it has decided that it is not at happy for a ride?

Haven’t we all experienced it at some point?

Usually it is when the pasture is muddy and we come with low shoes to pick it up 🙂

There is even the variant of horse, that is absolutely not possible to take and is difficult every time it goes in.

The fact that the horse does not want to enter can have many reasons. It does not have to be that it does not like you, it may be due to other things like herd mentality or that it simply thrives where it is and does not want to go in the stable.

I have had many horses in my life and have come across a few who are that way, but I must say that all my own breeds I have learned that if I whistle, there is food.

It’s a really great way to teach them from the beginning, because when mum comes whistling there, so will foals. They can go far away and not be seen, but when I whistle they come at full gallop.

I always have something good for them when I whistle at them and I do not think it is cheating but an easy way to teach them how to come 🙂

Must or choose?

We do not have to, we choose!
Have you ever thought about how often you say, I just have to do this first, or I just have to catch up with….?

When you say must to yourself, you trigger the brain to stress itself out and try to plan in what you have to!

If you think about it, there is no need to worry. You choose what you think is the priority.

Maybe you think, yes, it’s easy to say, but I actually have to work, otherwise I can not live. However, it is you who has chosen to work, and you yourself who have chosen what you want to work with.

Try to think the thought, and try to think the thought when it is muddy and cold and you absolutely do not feel like going to the stable, that you do not have to.

You have chosen to have the horse yourself and it actually does not become so burdensome to go there when you realize that you have chosen yourself.

You can sometimes have a bit of such puns and it’s unbelievable that you can actually be in a much better mood just by giving others a little in your word choice!
Today you choose to hug your horse.

Your Goal!

What is your vision for the future?

Where are you at the moment with your horse and where do you want to go?Maybe you do not have a dream with your horse, maybe you are happy right now.

You should just ride a little in the woods and enjoy… ..but… .maybe the horse is a little reluctant to leave the yard, maybe it is a little reluctant when it should have the shoes on, maybe it is not so easy to load if you want to get away with a friend and ride on the beach.There is always something to improve, something to look forward to, little things to work with, you have to have a goal, how small or how big it is.

If you are going to drive to France and do not have a map or gps, how do you find it?

The way to better understanding and better riding is to have a guide and a goal.


How good are you at sense your horse?

When you meet your horse, do you feel how the mood is like, on that particular day?

It is important to know how much to do with it, how much to push it and what job to do with it for the day.

The horse is an individual who also feels mood swings, pain, influences. Think of yourself when you go to work. Some days everything goes well and you get a lot done and some days simply do not work.

Then imagine that the boss comes and scream at you and is generally unpleasant. No nice scenario. Keep in mind that the horse can also feel that way, and it has not chosen to train / compete that day.

Being able to feel your horse and be able to encourage and be nice instead of forcing is an art that I hope that all horse owners will have the opportunity to learn.

Should a horse eat when it is transported?

For many years I have traveled with horses and driven with them in transport. For the most part, it has gone well and it is fantastic considering that many of them had never been loaded before.

I have always maked sure to have a lot of hay in the transport so the horses had the opportunity to stand and eat. It calms them down and they get other things to think about.

When I drove the horses home from Hungary to Sweden, the whole saddle chamber was stuffed with hay so I was sure it would not end.

I know that many do not dare to put a hay net in the transport, but if you hang it high there is no risk that they put their legs in it. Of course, you should always have a knife on hand so you are prepared.
It also keeps the stomach going on them, so less risk of stomach acid. Of course, you should remember to water them often if you travel longer distances.

If you like to join a course about transporting horses(in swedish) please look under courses in Swedish!

Loading your horse!

How do you feel about loading your horse?

In my long horse life I have been through so  much, both with myself and with my horses but also others horses. Just loading a horse is one of the most dangerous things we can do if we are not well prepared.

Unfortunately, loading is something you often “forget” until the day when you suddenly have to leave with the horse.

Most people do not jump directly on their horse when they are going to break it in, but unfortunately when it comes to loading, there are not many who have done the exercises that are needed to succeed with a painless loading.

Even if you do not exactly have a trailer standing in the yard, there are ways to train the horse mentally for this in many other good ways. The more you train, the more both horse and man are prepared for, if any unforeseen things happen in connection with you going away with your horse.

It is good to have many tools, because it may also happen that you may have been lucky that the horse just stumbles on and then when you are going home, it refuses to walk in again.

It is important to prevent and ensure that the horse is confident with the situation and also when you are  closing the doors. It’s not fun to have a horse hanging over the barrier or worse.

Are you comfortable loading your horse?

Alsike Clover.

There are some poisonous plants in the pastures around. If you have large pastures, it is almost impossible to remove all poisonous plants and the horse does not eat them in normal cases.

It may be that there is a lack of grass or some plants, it is enough for the horse to touch them.

I have come across Alsike clover and it actually took a long time before I realized that this was what made the horses get scabs on the nose.

I have palomino horses and cremello and many have asked if they are not sensitive to the sun when they are so bright. It is not the color that is sensitive but if they have socks or blazers they can be sensitive right there. Mine usually have white signs and I have been told that it is the sun that makes them get scabs on these places. I have always lubricated with Helosan sun and it has actually helped.

In recent years I have found out that it is Alsikeklöver that causes these places to be affected in connection with the sun, but have never seen it as a big problem before I got it on my foal which became so sensitive so his legs became sore and he later got scars from this.

I have now moved to Hungary and here is very strong sun. But they never get scabs on the nose anymore and it must be because that plant is not here. Does your horse get scabs on the nose?
Tomorrow Tuesday 5 juli I will show my horse’s injuries from his rash and talk more about this in the group.
If you are not yet a member of the gruop, then please join us. We have always something going on in there
Welcome to the Inspiration Group for riders.

See you in there  Anne

Axell´s Baronessa is sold!

Axell’s Baroness is sold!
What do you have to do with it, you probably think, it is quite normal that you sell your fillies when they are 3 years old. I actually also feel a little relieved when I know that I will soon have only 4 horses left.

Then I start to examine myself.

I have been a breeder for almost 40 years, is it time to quit? When Baroness leaves, I only have one breeding mare left. The only one in my possession who can carry on the blood that I have bred for most of my life.

When to stop?

When is one too old, when will it be a torment instead of a pleasure?

So much you have gone through, dead foals, accidents and a lot of money and time you have put into it. The little pleasure you have, the short time you have the offspring before it is sold, the stallion that is to be cared for all year and in some cases only used in the spring.

I stand in the choice and the qualifier if I should get my last mare covered or I should ignore it.

Now I no longer have a stallion myself and it feels hard to go through the whole procedure to breed a foal you have to sell. It feels like one’s lifetime deed is over and it’s just accepting.

Now this may sound sad, but I do not feel any sadness, I just reflect if I would have done it differently if I had had a choice. I have had so many beautiful nice horses in my life and I am grateful and do not think I would have wanted it any different