This is Liselotte… ..
I just had to share this picture (Liselotte has of course given me permission)
When I spoke to Liselotte for the first time just before New Year’s, she was extremely sad, as she no longer dared to ride her beautiful horse.
Courage had let her down, she was very down and did not know how to get back to her true self. We started working together shortly after New Year’s and this is the result only 1.5 months later.
We will continue a little longer when my program is 3 months, so we are sure that she will not fall back to her sad state again.
I’m so proud of her and she’s totally happy.
This has also changed me as a human being, she says, I am much happier in my everyday life, and long to go out to the horse again. If you yourself have problems and for some reason have become scared or think you have lost your courage, do not hesitate to contact Anne. There is no reason to feel bad but there are many ways to move on.
Get in touch with Anne and order a call at then I can guide you so you can discover which paths you can take to have an optimal collaboration with your horse. The call is free!