Run a “Safety Briefing” on the horse before you start riding!

Run a “Safety Briefing” on the horse before you start riding!
Before starting an airplane, you go through all the safety tests, to make the travel as good and pleasant as possible. This is of course so that you don’t crash or that mechanical faults occur during the journey.
It is no different when riding, then you should always check the horse and the equipment before you get on the horse. Some do it per automatically while others “forget” it.
It is of course important to do so and even more important if you are a little scared to get on the horse.
Checking the equipment means checking whether the bridle fits correctly, if the bit is in the mouth correctly, if the horse behaves in any way differently than usual. Perhaps the horse is more reluctant to take the bite than usual, raises its head, or yawns several times when you have put the bridle on. Does it avoid the saddle, does the skin twitch when you saddle, does it sag in the back, or wag its tail?
Maybe it usually does things like this, but then you as a rider should also know what is normal for the horse and what is not normal. You have to feel if the horse seems irritated or unusually lethargic. If you pay attention and check all these things, if you grooming for a long time and spend a little longer with your horse before riding, you can avoid many misunderstandings. If you are in a hurry and just throw on the saddle and jump up, the horse can react immediately if there is something wrong and it can end in disaster.
As riders, we have to pay attention to the horse 100% as it is the one we have to cooperate with and depending on the status, you get better conditions for a good ride.

Imagine walking several miles with a stone in your shoe. Not particularly pleasant, and the horse must be allowed to protest if something is wrong. Try your hand if you are unsure where it is best for the horse to have the bit, etc. and check and feel how it reacts. It can’t talk but it can show if it is happy or not.
When we are stressed and don’t have time to get to know the horse, it is often when there are misunderstandings.

Focus on the horse is necessary and don’t be surprised if you forget these things, the horse might tell you about it in a way that might not be so popular!


Why can it be difficult to lift the horse’s leg?

Before thinking about riding a horse, it can be good to get to know the horse and build trust.

Those of us who have had horses for many years know that it is important that the horse has learned to lift its feet, but how many actually know why? It’s not just to make it easier for the farrier to work on the hooves, but it’s actually also a matter of trust.

As you know, the horse is a flight animal and taking and lifting a foot cuts the horse off from running away, in case things get too dangerous. That the horse is at full tension when you have to lift the feet is not a good concept, as you can count on the foot to be put back down, whether we want it or not.

As humans, we can forget to measure forces with the horse. Even a small shetlandpony we have nothing to say about, if it is not willing to cooperate. Therefore, we have to teach the horse that we are not dangerous and that we do not want to eat it.It can be easier said than done in some cases, but it pays off in the long run to work with cooperation and security when we spend time with our animals.

Like so many other things, you should take it step by step and not rush. Start with the horse getting used to you touching its legs and you being around it. Do not tear the hooves up in the hoof beard or tap the leg. The easiest way is to press a little on the chestnut or just above the vertebra and praise the horse a lot if he only makes an effort to lift. We also want the horse to lift independently in the future and we also want it to be able to hold its hooves by itself, so you don’t have to stand with a 600kg horse in your hand when you have to scratch the hooves.

Some horses are sensitive on the legs and it is not so strange, because often the horses can bite each other’s legs in play or when it comes to fighting for the place in the herd. You have probably seen the colts bite each other’s front legs to bring the rival down to his knees. So it is not obvious for the horse to lift its legs when you ask it to. It requires long and patient training and lots of praise.

Always start stroking with the hand high up on the legs, even on a experiended horse. The horses also use their legs when they wave away flies, so if you tickle the horse’s legs without it paying attention to what it is, it can easily get a hoof in the air.

Train your horse for a long time before the farrier comes. It is not his duty to teach the horse and we should care about our farriers who do a hard job for us so that we can ride our horses!

Want to change your life?

Do you want to change your life?
We have quite a lot of dreams in our life!
Maybe you want to ride the horse better, maybe you want to go out and compete! Maybe you dream of a farm for your horses or get rich so you don’t have to worry about everything getting more expensive.
It’s good to dream! It can put us in a good mood and give us new ideas to do what we want to do. If you have a dream that you really want to come true, you need to come up with a plan so that it becomes reality. It’s like that, if you do what you’ve always done, then life won’t change for you.

Why is it so difficult to take the initiative and move on?

All people dream of something but very few try to achieve it. It’s easier to come up with excuses as to why you haven’t done anything about it. Unfortunately, very few excuses are acceptable. If you want something badly enough, there are ways to go.
I’ve seen dyslexics write books, I’ve seen people without arms paint pictures with their mouths, anything goes.

We find it very difficult to get out of our “comfort zone” and change our daily habits. Take some time to write down your dreams and then figure out how to get there. Sometimes it doesn’t take much to turn things around for the better. Sometimes we have dreams all our lives that we do nothing about. How wonderful would it be to achieve something that you have wanted for a very long time?
If it is a dream you have with the horse, then maybe I can help you rethink and structure, so you get on the right path.

Do you have e.g. long dreamed of being able to load your horse and just drive away, or are you a little afraid to jump those hurdles, which were otherwise so much fun to jump in the past, then I can certainly give you support and advice in the right direction.
Don’t let years go by before you do something about it, you never know how long you have the opportunity:)

Please book a call with me at


Afraid of riding your horse?

What will your stablemates say if you avoid riding your horse?

Being afraid of your horse is not something you show off in a stable! If you are afraid of your horse, why are you still doing it then, is the question.

I don’t need to ride you say, I like to work my horse from the ground, but deep down there sits a little figure, telling you that’s not entirely true. I’m not going to single everyone out, but the ones I’ve helped with their confidence have said afterwards that they’ve missed riding a lot.

I have noticed it on many people that it is not legal to be afraid when it comes to riding. I had an ad out in an English group and a man made very disparaging comments that you could also get help with everything today and you shouldn’t deal with horses if you are scared.

Most of the time I don’t answer such things, because it’s impossible to explain. I can only take myself as an example!

My whole life has been about horses. I have been a saddler, breeder, stallion keeper and horse trader. How is it that all of a sudden in the middle of it all I felt a lump in my stomach at the same time that most of all I wished it wasn’t like that. Horses were my whole identity. Who was I without horses? I still couldn’t get over being terrified and it took me years to get back to really enjoying riding again.

For those who haven’t tried it, don’t know what they’re talking about.

My mission is to help as many as possible back on the horse and even if you have been scared off the ground, because that happens too.

So please spread this text, so those who need help can get it and join our group where we help and support each other:

Was it better in old times?

I constantly hear that people think that the horses today are nervous, untrained, wrongly ridden, etc. It was better before, they think. Then you could find a horse that was kind and well ridden, used to riding out alone, without a lot of mistakes and diseases.
Is it true?
I myself have been involved for over 50 years and have had a lot of insight into what kind of horses have been on the market. I have some thoughts about this, but keep in mind that these are my thoughts, no facts.
I remember when I entered the half-blood world in Sweden…. I am originally from Denmark and when people talked about the Swedish half-blood, they were always told that they were sharp and difficult to handle. I admit that I actually got to experience this more than once and special stallions were feared such as Drabant, Juan, and Jovial just to name a few. I also know that several of the stallions at Flyinge you could not get close to. Now they had the horses in a different way in the past and were not so careful with rest paddocks and so on. Therefore, it is difficult to compare. They still breed on performance and the intention is that those who are to become the best are not meant to be hobby horses. I do not think it is more difficult to find a nice horse today, the only problem is that the demand has become greater.
Today, the horse must undergo various bending tests and X-rays before it is thought that it is good enough to be bought. It is also more expensive to keep a horse, so one who is well ridden and well bred has been in the same place for a long time to be able to show such values ​​and therefore it becomes more expensive to find a nice horse.
Those who are kind, nice and brought up are seldom for sale, because the owners want to keep the one they have spent a lot of time on. Unfortunately, there will be nothing extra on the price because the horse is manageable, but there are other values ​​that increase the price. Good trunk and nice appearance and great gait, is well paid. Even if they demand their rider, it is obvious that the breeders would like to have paid for their horses. It does not pay to breed “average” and I myself have experienced that nice calm hobby horses are not high in price.
I have imported lots of nice kindly bred horses from Hungary to Sweden, but the price you got from riding schools and hobby riders was actually less than these horses were worth.
I think the reason is simply that you do not want to pay the right price for a hobby horse. You have to pick them up abroad and the risk of being “cheated” is great, when you can not see and try the horse in advance.
I also think that people have less time today, and simply do not have the patience to deal with raising the horse themselves and get to know it properly before you start riding.
If you think SWB is too nervous or sharp today, then there are a lot of other breeds to choose from. Have plenty of time when choosing a horse and think carefully about it.

The horse is gossiping!

Do we humanize our animals?

I will be the first to admit that I sometimes speak on behalf of my animals and add some that the animals absolutely do not think or mean, but sometimes you can wonder if they are not a little clever in any case. I only have 3 horses left and if you, like me, have been used to having 20-30 horses at a time, 3 feel like very little.

Now, however, I have more time and surplus for them and at the same time I have made it easy for me, as they can go out and in as they pleased, so I do not have to clean the stable, it is done with a machine.

Right now they are grazing and I have done so the stable is connected to each paddock (there are 3) so I will only open and close a little here and there when I change paddocks. I have no young horses anymore so the risk is not so big that they go out, but every now and then what happens they go wrong and I must also admit that I am not strict with turning on the power.

The funny thing is that they themselves feel abandoned if they end up on the wrong ground and usually gossip when they come from the herd. In some places I only have a string left without electricity because if they go through there, they just enter a new paddock, so the risk is not so great that they get lost.

The other day I had them in the “outer garden” which is a bit away from the house, so I hear their footsteps when they “knock” of flies but not so loud. I woke up early in the morning (always when the horses are most active) because I thought their footsteps were quite close to the house, but I didnt care. Then I heard a whining but still thought I was too sleepy to go out, as they had not escaped anyway. I could hear they were right next door, but a few minutes later there was another whining. Yes, I thought, I’ll get to see what happens and went out into the yard.

There were 2 of them on the wrong side of the fence from the pasture they were released in, but were only in the other pasture, but Maersk who would never dare to go over a chalk line stood in the “real” pasture and gossiped on the others.

They were not 3 meters apart, so it was not because he had been left alone, no, he would simply telling me that something was not right, so I had to come out and make sure that there will be order in the herd.

When I came, he was standing and looking at me, like, what took you so long? I had to push the other two back in place and set up a wheelbarrow, so I could be allowed to sleep for a few more hours.😝

Difficulties in summer with flies and horses?

Summer is wonderful, but… ..When it is cold, windy, snow and rain, we long for summer! Unfortunately, there are also others who long for summer so they can thrive, live and multiply and that is the insects!

They are there to keep the balance so the summer does not become too pleasant, there must be something unpleasant 🙂 It starts with the small, knob that are most found in the Swedish forests, then the mosquitoes come and you discover them most when you go to sleep and your legs itches so you go crazy with all the stings. The flies are most annoying, but then comes the worst, the horse fli! It is available in different sizes but the really big ones are very nasty and you understand that the horse gets hysterical when one comes humming through the air.

I noticed this the other day when I rode my horse and he suddenly started to buck. Then there was a big fli the size of my thumb and gnawed on his round ass. Not easy to sit still and at the same time lean back to push the nasty thing away.

I also find it difficult to kill them. You can hit them on the ground and step on them, it’s fine, but to mash them with your bare hands, I think is a little too disgusting when they are so big.

It is also difficult to find spray or something to bathe the horse with so they stay away, they are quite insensitive. We simply have to live with the scary things and try to ride early in the morning or late in the evening and instead fight with the mosquitoes and gnats:) In minus 10 degrees, you will not have such worries:)

Tread for horses?

Candy or not?

I often get the question: are you against giving the horse a tread?

My clear answer is:

When I have done something good and think I have earned something, I often go out and eat with my husband. When we have worked well, we have a glass of wine or a cream bun. Why should the horse not be allowed to enjoy something good too?

We have humanised the horse in many ways, so sometimes the horse does not know what is right or wrong. You have to be consistent so that the horse understands what we mean and what we demand of it, but why not reinforce what we mean, by giving the horse a treat. I have always done that. When I was younger, I always had sugar in my pocket. It was easy and did not fill much, but today I have switched to carrot pieces, as I do not use sugar in the coffee myself, so I do not buy sugar pieces, so it is not so available to me. It’s not because I think about the horse’s health. I do not think it dies from getting a piece of sugar every now and then, there is much else in the feed today that is more dangerous than that. Yes, but the teeth then, there are those who say. Yes, the horse’s teeth grow and I believe it cleans them when it eats hay, it’s actually just a small piece of sugar.

Today it is called reward-based training. Yes, what should I say? I call it giving the horse a treat when it deserves it.

I know some people do not want to give sweets and I respect their opinion, but when they say that they do not get it in nature, then I think: It’s true, but then they do not have to obey a human if they are wild horses.

Then maybe you think, but does not the horse get naughty from it? That is where it comes to setting boundaries, just as you should with everything else. If it’s got the treat, it’s over. Some horses are naughty by nature, but there you also get to talk about what you tolerate and not. They are all different individuals and you have to try to turn it into something positive and make it a fun game to nibble or not.

My horses get goodies and they know when the goodies is finished, so I will continue to do so.

Fear of riding?

Is fear forbidden?

The other day I posted an ad that I am starting a group for those who are afraid to ride or have a problem with their horse. On the site are members from all over the world and from countries where riding is still dominated by men.

Here I got an example of why many do not want to admit that they are afraid. One man was sincerely surprised that nowadays there were courses for everything with horses! He thought that if you were to ride and socialize with horses, you could expect to fall off and / or end up under the horse and then it was just a matter of getting up again or else you should stop riding.

This is a mindset that has stuck in equestrian sports and therefore there are not many who admit that they are afraid, they would rather quit.You must not be afraid of your horse, you must not show emotion and you can just as easily give up, because when you are afraid, it is bad and the horse feels it a long way.

It is also the perception I had to grow up with and I still had it until it hit me. The horses were my whole life, my hobby, my job, my everyday life, etc. I did not admit to myself and certainly not to others that I was afraid. I just simply did not have “time” to ride. The stables would be swept, the family would have food, etc.

The way this man thinks is, as I said, not unusual and very typically male. You have to be tough and not show emotion. For women, it is different. We have a lot of feelings that come at an inopportune time, including that we love the horse and even if we do not agree with it, we still want to fight to keep it.

In my world, it’s better to be weak. That the horse throws you off, splints, bites or kicks, is a way for the horse to express itself and if you are not aware of this, life can be very difficult for the horse. Unfortunately, I have seen too many tough riders who would show who decided (myself included as a junior) where the horse has not had a chance.

This is not to say that it is good to be afraid, but that it can happen to anyone and it is not the end of the world, just because you do not throw yourself on the horse again.

If you have become scared or frightened, please scedule a free call with me at and lets see if I am able to help you!

So much fun we had!

How much fun we had!

I have recently encouraged people to think back on old memories. Among other things, I got a photo from 1974 where a person had a lot of fun at a show, dressed up without a helmet and with rubber boots. It probably would not have been accepted today was the comment and yes, that’s what I want to write about today.I myself grew up in Denmark and I have heard many Swedes comment on the Danes as free and open. I can agree with the risk of being classified as frivolous and reckless, I want to say that I got a slight shock when I entered the horse world in Sweden in the 80’s.

When I bought my first SWB it was because of the color and size and I loved him. That he had a pedigree was just something that came with it, I thought. When I introduced my horse to others, the first question was: Who is he after? I had no idea! In Denmark, when you had a horse, you asked what you wanted the horse for and what it could do, I had never encountered that question before. In the end I got to learn who he was after and I was proud when I had finally learned father and grandfather, but I would soon notice that it was not enough, you should know the whole pedigree and should also know something about the stallions as well. I wondered what it had to do with the horse, he was wonderful as he was. I continued to have fun with my horse! I rode him in halter and halter shaft, I drove him in, taught him that I could play on hunting horns when I sat on his back and had him on High Chapparall so he could also learn to walk along the steam locomotive and hear shots without being afraid . We had fun!

I was eventually influenced by the attitude that I was not serious and started to be so and rode dressage and competed. I must admit that training and competition never became my big hit, with all the work, nervous horse, nervous me, performance anxiety and comparison with others who in my opinion were much better than me.I’m back as frivolous, riding my horse in a halter, riding a lap with him sometimes and having fun.I understand that you have to learn to ride and you also have to have safety considerations (I have always worn a helmet) but who says that the horse feels better from harrowing around on a track with a tight noseband, a lot of scrap in the mouth and do the same thing over and over again, than maybe getting bumbed in the back but getting to do other things?

I hope you can read between the lines and see that I do not mean so bad, but that sometimes you have to think a little about how much fun you really have with your horseI have worked with many people who have seen the downside of trying to be “serious” and then got a worse relationship with their horse. You want to do everything right, you must have the right saddle, you must train for a real trainer, the horse must have the latest new food, blankets, etc. and since there are as many opinions about how the horse should be cared for as there are people, it is impossible to know what is right. In the end it goes crazy, you are lost in, what is right and wrong, become hesitant with the horse and finally scared. Do not forget to have fun!