What does your brain tell you when you are going to saddle the horse?
I hope he’s in a good mood and not throwing me off today? Should I lung before sitting up? It’s just a little walking and trotting, I’m not ready for a gallop?
Or does it say: Geez what fun it will be, I just long? Think now can we start training a little on the new exercise? Ohhh just have to ride out a turn in the woods, it’s such nice weather?
There is a big difference in what the brain can tell you how to feel. It is actually possible to teach the brain to be positive and with that you get a much better feeling and also a much better and more fun riding. Would you like to change your mindset and get a better ride?
Order a free call at anneaxell.com/appointment then I can help you make a plan to improve your thoughts, your riding, your life 🙂