I have been with horses all my life, but I have not always been riding.
After I had a couple of kids and being trown off some horses, I had a long period in my life where I didnt ride.
I couldnt believe that I was scared. Me-who used to ride all the crasy horses nobody else would ride, and I was embarresed. I used to telling myself that I didnt have the time and there was so much else to do, so I didnt have the time to ride.
I was cheating myself and I wasnt even aware that I was doing it.
Then I came to a point where I had a foal that I would never sell, and I told myself that I couldnt keep him, if I didnt use him for riding. Then my my journey began.
It took me a long time , but today I am riding without fear and enjoy every minute.
Today I know that there is so many in my situation, so I have dedicated my life to help scary riders.
I have courses and workshops and most of all I have a 60 minutes free call, where I can help you to clarify where you are going with your horse.
So please dont hesitate to book a call with me on anneaxell.com/appointment We all need somebody to talk with when we are stock so you are very welcome. Hope I get a chans to talk with you:)